
Understand The Importance Of ISO 9001 Quality Management In Cargo Transportation


When it comes to cargo transport, one of the main issues to be mentioned is quality management in logistical processes. This is because it is essential to ensure total quality so that customers can faithfully trust the services provided by the company.

Thus, there are certifications to prove that carriers meet all the basic requirements to operate in certain areas. Thus, an example of this is the ISO 9001 certification, an internationally known standard that certifies the Quality Management System.

That said, we will now better understand the importance of ISO 9001 quality management in cargo transportation.

After All, What Is ISO 9001 Quality Management?

As mentioned, this is an internationally recognized standard that certifies the Quality Management System, or simply QMS, which defines the requirements for implementing the quality system in an organization.

Therefore, ISO 9001 was prepared by the Quality Management and Quality Assurance Technical Committee (ISO/TC 176), and in Brazil, the version of this document was translated and published by ABNT.

Thus, this standard has its primary objective to bring confidence to the customer and ensure that its services follow specific quality standards. In other words, this is an essential certificate for companies that want to prove their ability to provide services and meet customer needs.

Thus, when a company has the certificate of this standard, it will have access to some competencies, such as the use of the PDCA cycle (plan, do, arrive, and act), important planning, and quality tool in the business world.

In addition, you can also rely on the eight principles of quality, which are: Customer focus, leadership, people engagement, process and systemic approach to management, people involvement, improvement, evidence-based decision making, management of relationships with suppliers.

ISO 9001 In Cargo Transportation

ISO 9001 in cargo transport is a certification that ensures the carrier’s professionalism. It generally allows for a significant improvement in the quality management systems of all processes within the company.

Therefore, this certification is an essential competitive advantage for logistics companies and a real need in the sector. Since it is based on it, it is possible to standardize processes and, consequently, increase productivity, maximize results, and have the best service, whether in delivery, storage or distribution.

So, to implement and acquire the ISO 9001 certificate at wicker park logistics, some points must be seen and worked on.

First, it is interesting to know how the standard works, then carry out a diagnosis with a specialist who will carry out the analysis and give the current scenario of your carrier.

From there, it will be possible to plan the necessary transformations so that you can obtain certification. For this reason, it is essential to use technological resources to improve processes, and only after these steps will it be possible to implement ISO 9001. In addition, it will be crucial to carry out constant audits, to maintain quality management in the Law Suit.

Therefore, ISO 9001 quality management is a fundamental certification in cargo transportation. It ensures that the carrier follows specific quality standards in its services and consequently meets the needs of its customers.

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