The open seas have a lot to answer for in terms of what they offer and how they can seem to magically affect the way a person thinks or feels, depending upon the weather conditions. Sometimes, all it takes is a day away to become completely majestically clear minded so, if you feel like you need a break from the norm, there is no time like the present. If you haven’t taken part in any sea going activities before, then you could easily arrange any of the following day trips which provide superb value for money, including a mindset that simply cannot be rivaled.
Whale watching
You could go on a boat trip to watch whales and various other kinds of sea life as they swim together and play in the water. At the right time of year, you should be able to book a trip that allows you to witness whales making their yearly migration journey passed the coast of NSW towards warmer waters.
This will certainly be one experience that you don’t want to miss out on, the best part is that you can take your mobile phone in order to take some snaps, or videos of what you see on your way.
Fishing charter Merimbula
Have you ever considered, or liked the idea of going fishing but never really had the chance to do so? Now there are no excuses, because you can go on a fishing charter in Merimbula at a time that’s convenient for you. All you need to do is to get yourself some free time, make your booking, travel to where the charter boat sets off from, on the day and enjoy all that the open seas have to offer.
Swimming with seals
This might sound a bit extreme to a lot of people although, it’s not as dangerous as you might think, in fact, in many cases you’ll find that the seals want nothing more than to play, or to bask in the sun as they relax on the coastal rocks that scatter the shoreline. The team that would accompany you from your chosen excursion company will make sure that you are well educated with regards how to act and behave around the seals, as well as making sure that you have any necessary equipment for your trip.
Why not try them all?
Clearly, there is a little something for everybody here when looking at sea going mini adventures so, why not plan to try them all on separate excursions? You might find that you suddenly have more free time than ever before.
Gear up for Buoy 10 salmon fishing and enjoy one of the most celebrated fishing events on the West Coast. The Columbia River’s bounty awaits every eager angler.